The Importance of Hydration | How Much Water You Should Really Be Drinking

This Post Originally Appeared in September of 2018

The Importance of Hydration | How Much Water You Should Really Be Drinking

The Importance of Hydration | How Much Water You Should Really Be Drinking


We hear it all the time

  • “you need to hydrate”

  • “you’ve have to stay hydrated”

  • “drink lots of water, it’s hot out there today”

But what does that all really mean?

& how much water do I really need to be drinking?

Are those 8 glasses really going to cut it?

What is Hydration?

Being hydrated means that your body has the ideal amount of water in it.

Depending on what research you look at, you can see that our bodies are made up of anywhere from 60% to 70% water, so naturally our water content plays a HUGE role in the many different bodily functions.

Some of those functions include:

  • Maintaining our body temperature

  • Removing waste and other toxins

  • Lubricating our joints and muscles

  • Clearing your skin

  • Helping you focus more

  • Helping you feel full

  • Keeping you regular

  • Boosting your immune system

  • Preventing headaches

  • Preventing bad breath/dry mouth

  • Improving your heart health

  • Improving your mood

With just a handful of roles listed above, you can see how water plays a big role in our bodies, so we need to make sure we are getting enough of it throughout the day!

So how does one know how much water they need?

Keep reading!

How Much Water Should I Drink in a Day?

The daily water requirement is going to differ from person to person

But we all can figure out our estimated baseline water intake by following this simple formula:

Your Weight (in pounds) / 2 = baseline water you should be drinking (in ounces!)

Once you get your baseline estimation, you then have to factor in your activity level.

If you are sedentary, or aren’t consistently active, following the baseline formula above is good for you.

If you are active, meaning you consistently workout 3 days/week, and/or have a job that requires you to be on your feet, follow this formula instead:

Your Weight (in pounds) * 0.75 = baseline water you should be drinking (in ounces!)

If you are very active, meaning you consistently workout 4+ days/week, and/or have an active job, follow this formula instead:

Your Weight (in pounds) * 1 = baseline water you should be drinking (in ounces!)

Now, there are several other factors that effect your hydration levels, so if any of the following pertain to you, make sure you drink more than the “baseline” formulas above:

  • consuming a lot of salt

  • caffeine consumption

  • alcohol consumption

  • stress

  • going to the bathroom

What Happens if I’m Dehydrated?

Dehydration occur when you lose more fluids that you take in, disabling your body’s ability to perform its normal functions.

And when your body cannot function properly, it will let you know.

Here are some of the effects of moderate dehydration:

  • Reduced cognitive and motor skills “brain fog”

  • Increased sensitivity to pain

  • Poor memory recall and storage

  • Inability to produce tears

And some effects of severe dehydration:

  • Has the potential to lead to heat injuries

  • Has the potential to develop/cause urinary and kidney problems

  • Can cause one to go into low blood volume shock

So make sure you are drinking enough water!



How To Tell If You Are Hydrated or Not

Here’s a few tips to know how hydrated you are or not:

Check the color of your pee

Clear to light yellow means you are good to go!

Dark yellow or any color darker than that means you need to grab yourself some water stat!

Are you thirsty?

Thirst follows dehydration, which means that if you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated, so drink up!

Do you feel a headache coming on?

Headaches are one of the most common signs of dehydration.

Start drinking some water and see if your headache disappears!

Is your mouth dry?

Dehydration causes dry mouth – get to sipping!


How To Successfully Increase Your Water Intake

I always suggest starting with a glass of water in the morning, before anything else

I aim for 32 oz as soon as I wake up.

I prefer room temperature water first thing in the morning, but you can opt for cold or hot water, if either of those options work better for you!

I also always suggest carrying a large water bottle with you, wherever you go!

& I always think, the bigger, the better when it comes to water bottles, so you’ve GOT to check this cute gallon water bottle that comes with a handle!

You’ll be more likely to drink water if it’s readily available to you!

If you prefer cold water, check out my favorite insulated water bottle!

You can also create goals, such as:

  • drink a bottle of water on your commute - both ways

  • drink a glass of water at every meal

  • pair every caffeinated drink with a glass of water

Another great way to “spice” up your water is to infuse it with fruit! Check out this cute fruit infused water bottle!

It’s a great little pick-me-up & an easy way to add some flavor to your water!

Lastly, gradually increase your water intake, aiming for an additional 8 oz/day until you reach your goal

One, you’ll be more likely to reach your water goal

& two, you won’t be running to the bathroom every 5 seconds!

Gradually add in some water to your diet & see all the wonderful changes take place!



Photo by Samara Doole on Unsplash

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